2022 05 24 pk oeif schmidl 7

Language Courses and Professional Integration


With the war in Ukraine still raging, many Jewish refugees do not know whether they will permanently stay in Austria or whether they will return to their home country. The Jewish Community, through its Jewish vocational training center JBBZ (Jüdisches Berufsbildungszentrum), offers German language courses for adults as well as intensive job training. This initiative paves the way towards independence and self sufficiency in a new environment.  

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Language is the key to everything

Since many refugees are well prepared to enter the job market in Austria, language skills are essential for a successful start into the labor market. Also, learning the language in a new country is one of the cornerstones of successful integration and towards navigating a new environment more easily.  

In order to facilitate German language courses, we cooperate with the Austrian Integration Fund that supports our work.

High quality German courses and job training

While every Jewish refugee in Vienna knows that they are part of a proud community, we want to enable them to be part of the broader society as well. This way we decrease dependence on donations in the long run, especially when entering the integration phase for those who want to stay in Vienna.

For those who need additional job training in order to find employment in Austria the JBBZ offers a variety of courses that help equip Jewish refugees for the job market.