
Book presentation: Freya Martin „Traditionsbetriebe“

Datum & Uhrzeit: 27.02.2019, 17:30 - 17:30


Zeit: 27.02.2019, 17:30 - 17:30

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Freya Martin places a loving monument to traditional Viennese crafts, trade and commerce with 160 colorful and mostly unpublished pictures. The profound aficionada of the city’s history leads us on this nostalgic journey through time in Vienna into the heyday of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy. The reader takes a look in elegant shops, meets purveyors to the Imperial and Royal Court and popular entrepreneurs.

Freya Martin, born in 1975 in Klagenfurt, studied German and Theater Studies at the University of Vienna, Dr. phil.; in 2007 wrote her dissertation on Hermann Nitsch and his Orgies Mysteries Theater in the context of the Greek tragedy. Since 2003 living in the Weinviertel region, participation in the family-owned winery “Martinshof” in St. Ulrich. Freya Martin is also active as an art educator at the MZM (Museum Center Mistelbach) and has organized Nitsch tours here since September 2007.

Advance booking requested: Tel.: +43 1 535 04 31-1510 or e-mail: events@jmw.at.

Free admission as of 6:15 p.m.

​Photo (c) Freya Martin

Wednesday, 27 Feb 18:30,
Museum Dorotheergasse