2023 09 26 arba minim schmidl 07682
IKG-Sukka | Öffnungszeiten 5785 / 2024

Öffnungszeiten der Sukka in der Israelitischen Kultusgemeinde Wien.

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Wiener stadttempel innenraum
Guest Information

Essential information for your attendence at the Vienna City Temple and your visit in Vienna. Visiting hours, security guidelines, as well as detai...

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2023 06 18 straßenfest schmidl 09286
My Experience as an American Intern at the IKG Vienna

Eleanor Monroe is a student at Princeton University studying History and German. (If you wanted to include a short bio)

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Wiener stadttempel innenraum
Temple Board Election Results

On June 15th and June 21st, members of Vienna’s Stadttempel were called upon to participate in the elections for the temple board. There were 449 e...

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Lec h5254
Official Visit to President Alexander Van der Bellen

On June 6th, the newly elected executive board made an official visit to Federal President Alexander Van der Bellen. President Oskar Deutsch, Vic...

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The climate reality project hb6u wq0i4 mi unsplash
Jewish Community unanimously: No cooperation with the FPÖ

The board of directors of the Jewish Community of Vienna, the  Kultusvorstand, unanimously reaffirmed its cordon sanitaire towards the  Freedom Par...

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Abgabe eines Stimmzettels
IKG Elections 2022

On the 17th, 22nd und 27th of November the members of the IKG elected the board of directors.

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Austrian citizenship for victims of Nazi persecution and descendants

We are pleased to inform you about the most important points for obtaining the Austrian citizenship.

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Jewish youth visit schools to answer questions and counteract possible prejudices.

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Here you will find the contact to the rabbinate as well as useful information about kosher food and other offers.

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TMICHA: Social and Charitable Work

The IKG and its members strive to promote the welfare of its members, even in difficult situations.

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Reporting Centre for Antisemitism

Information page on the reporting office for incidents of anti-Semitism.

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